Monday, September 15, 2008

Blur (pictures are coming)

Last weekwas a blur. Yes, there was a big moment or 2 but for whatever reason recalling the events from last week is not easy today. And most of my moments see to be about Ella, MAybe because it was her week to shine, sorry Howie!

1.Ella made her first Scrapbook page for school. She cut out the pictures herself and told me what to write on it. It is very cute

2. Making cookies with Ella. Tuesday we made cooies for her to take to school on wednesday. It was so much fun just her and I cooking up a storm.

3. Howie telling me about the F book he is reading at school. "Mom, it's so easy......It doesn't have chapters or anything.......Just F words" Out of the mouth of a six year old.

4. Ella turning 5 on Wednesday. I can not believe that my baby is 5. We took her to Applebee's for dinner.

5. Scooters. Ella got anew hello kitty scooter for her birthday. She loves riding it to the bus stop in her PJ's.

6. Jim and I went and looked at a different house to rent. It has 5 bedrooms and a huge backyard. Since we have no backyard we are seriously considering it.

7. Grandma Vicky came to stay on Thursday. The kids are pretty excited to have her here all weekend.

8. MEIJER Thrifty Oulet!! Need i say more?? If you have been there you can imagine the Stuff we bought for christmas presents. If you haven't been there the next time you are here have me take you there. You will LOVE it.

9. Friday night shopping and dinner with my mom, aunt and cousin. There is nothing like a kid free night with the girls.

10. Ella had a great party on saturday. although it was raining and our roof was leaking i think it was still alot of fu for everyone.

11. We are moving. Yes, Jim and I made the decision to move to the house with the Big backyard, 2 car garage, and no neighbors. Don't get me wrong.........Neighbors can be great and we do love some of ours but not all. We are looking forward to almost complete privacy except the church that you can kinda see next door.

So, this is my i was writing i started to think maybe it wasn't such a blur after all. Sorry this is not being posted earlier but i wanted to give my landlord notice before i told the whole world. I finally did and i feel relieved to have it over with but also sad to leave here.


anonymouse123 said...

Are you just moving to a different neighborhood, or actually moving from Grand Rapids?

That's the best "saying" from Howie I have ever heard!!!!

Come see the fam' soon!! I miss ya'll!!!

Rebecca said...

how fun that ella is scrapbooking a bit! and yea for a better house ina better neighborhood! i'm glad your landlord took it ok! shoot..i can't remember what else i was going to say...
love you!

Rebecca said...

oh yes...a meijer thrifty outlet? that's awesome!! i didn't even know those existed!