Monday, September 22, 2008

1. The birthday that never ends. The kids got a box monday after school with presents for both of them. They love getting suprises in the mail.

2. Fishing in the front yard. The kids both got new fishing poles in the past two weeks and even though they don't catch anything but a butterfly and optimus prime they sure have spent alot of time casting in the front yard. It is amazing how entertaining this is for them.

3. Telling our landlord that we are moving. I know that he is not happy about us leaving but it was very hard to tell him we were leaving because i hated to dissapoint him.
4. Having Jon and Angie Babcock over for dinner Tuesday night. The kids loved entertaining them and we enjoyed walking around our circle. The kids had to point out everything to them.
5. We sent the Application, lease and deposit in fo the house. Now we just wait for our references to clear and then we can get a key to start pinting the rooms. The house is only about a mile from us so it will be nice to run over there and get some stuff done while the kids are in school.

6. I started packing the kitchen. I figured i haven't used some of that stuff in the past 12 months i am sure i won't need them in the next 2. i have four boxes packed so far and hopefully this week i can get more done.

7. Jim fell at work on Friday and broke his Left hand. I think he just doesn't want to have to help move. Just kidding.

8. Friday Night Jim called me to tell me that the car would not start. We had it jumped and drove it 3/4 the way home when it quit working again. we tried to jump it again but no luck. We finally ended up having it towed to firestone wherethey fixed it on Saturday.

9. After 4 hours of dealing with the car Ella was so tired. Once we finally got home she crashed, here's a picture of her sound asleep on the back of the couch. Saturday morning she had no idea where she had fallen asleep.

10. Saturday afternoon spent at cascades with Kyle, Adam, Caleb and Jacob. The kids loved running around and playing with all the kids.

11. Ella and Jacob having "tickle time" ella loves babies but she was having so much fun tickling him and trying to get him to laugh.

After Cascades we went to John and Dee's to play for awhile. Then to wendys. After dinner we went to Steve's where the kids always enjoy a kid friendly game of Basketball. We ended the night at the Bartlett's letting the kids play for awhile.

Although we had some pretty bad moments last week we also had some great time with our friends and family.


Rebecca said...

sounds like a good week. well except jim breaking his hand...that stinks! yea for packing early!! it's so nice when that can be done. i miss you. i love you!

PoetLady said...

I hope you enjoy your new house:)

Moving is a lot of work but your kids are older so I hope it goes smoothly!

I hope Jim's hand heals soon.

We still miss you!
